Novelty Production and Evolvability In Digital Genomic Agents: Logical Foundations and Policy Design Implications of Complex Adaptive Systems


Forthcoming Chapter Prepared for: Complex Systems in the Social and Behavioral Sciences: Theory, Method and Application, Edited by Euel Elliot and L. Douglas Kiel, Michigan University Press


In this paper Sheri builds on her Keynote talk given at the Bio-Inspired ICT, BICT 2019 (see here at Carnegie Mellon University) in which she claims that a very unique form of intelligence evolved  as part of the biotic form of cyber security that can be found in the adaptive immune system tasked with having to protect encoded genomic information against the Liar qua antigenic hacker.  Sheri shows that there is evidence that the immuno-cognitive system that developed over the course of evolution  acquired text book like conditions of Gödel-Turing-Post (G-T-P)of classical computation theory and formal systems.  These are (i) unique (biotic) alpha numeric digital identifiers for codes  (ii) parallel mirror systems that simulate offline on a 1-1 basis of online machine executions of codes, and (iii) recognition of negation to codes with the ‘negating’ agent being typically called the Liar.

These conditions enable the digital system to construct the Gödel sentence where a code self-reports that it is under attack.  This is the only way in which the genomic digital system can engineer novelty production and arms races against a coevolving pathogen.  Novelty production and evolvability within digital agents who have to protect encoded information against the Liar qua hacker, interestingly raises issues in the foundations of game theory that have long been ignored.  Only genomic digital systems have shown this form of intelligence capable of novelty production and evolvability which shows its apogee in humans.  Having looked at the blind spots in extant theory  to do with strategic innovation, the implications for policy design in the face of such über intelligence and strategic rule breaking/hacking is covered.


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