Mini-Workshop: EC912 Expert Lecture Series 2018

Post Crisis Economics : Why Do We Need New Models of the Economy ?


Time 9 March 2018 10am -1.15pm
Venue NTC.1.04 (North Towers Teaching Centre)
This is open to all students; but compulsory for EC912 students doing the innovative Post Crisis Masters: MSc Computational Economics, Financial Markets and Policy



10-10.15 Welcome and Introduction: Professor Sheri Markose (Essex University)

10.15 am –11am: Richard Bronk (London School of Economics)
Uncertainty, Narrative Economics, and the need for a Diversity of Modelling Approaches

11am – 11.45 am : Dr. Arzu Uluc (Bank of England)
Bank of England Agent-based Model of the Housing Market

11.45am – 12pm : Coffee Break

11.45 – 12.30pm: Professor Jan Wenzelburger (University of Liverpool)
On the recapitalisation of banking systems

12.30 – 1.15pm Panel Discussion: Chair Sheri Markose
Katie Chapman (MSc Economics), Richard Bronk (LSE ), Dr. Arzu Uluc (Bank of England) , Professor Jan Wenzelburger (University of Liverpool)



Richard Bronk: Uncertainty, narrative economics, and the need for a diversity of modelling approaches

Katie Chapman: Should economics students be given a new perspective?

Arzu Uluc: Macro-prudential Policy in an Agent-Based Model of the UK Housing Market


For any further information, please contact